
EDEN-WORLD Artist Member Terms and Conditions

This document is an English translation of the original version for reference purposes only. The original version is written in the Korean language. In the case of any discrepancy between the original Korean version and this English translation, the original Korean version shall prevail.

Article 1 (Purpose)

These Terms and Conditions for Artist Members are intended to define the rights, duties, and responsibilities of FROMSEOUL Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and Artist Members in relation to the use of the EDEN-WORLD website service (https://eden-world.net/market). Furthermore, it aims to stipulate matters necessary for Artist Members, including intellectual property rights, usage rights, prohibitions, licensing, ownership, and other necessary matters regarding content upload and submission on EDEN-WORLD.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The definitions in these Artist Member Terms and Conditions shall follow the Terms of Use of the Company.

Article 3 (Conclusion of Service Agreement)

The service agreement is concluded when an individual who wishes to become an artist member reads the tutorials and guidelines, agrees to the terms, applies for artist membership, and the company accepts this application.
By uploading or submitting content through the service, the artist member agrees to these terms. Furthermore, these terms apply to all content uploaded by the artist member.
To eliminate any doubts, these terms apply to all content uploaded through the EDEN-WORLD service or during the period of maintaining artist membership status.
Upon joining as an artist, it is considered that the artist member agrees to receive new information, announcements, performance, and activity history of EDEN-WORLD through the email provided at registration.

Article 4 (License Terms)

By agreeing to these membership terms, the company is granted the right to use, sell, and broker the content uploaded or submitted by the artist member.
Details regarding the rights to use the content are described in Article 5.
Even if the artist member deletes the uploaded content, the member retains the right to use the content that has been downloaded through the service previously.

Article 5 (Termination of the Use Agreement for the Sales Service)

Artist members can terminate the service agreement at any time by notifying the company of their intention to terminate. However, the artist member must complete, withdraw, or cancel all content sales procedures before notifying termination, and any disadvantages resulting from the withdrawal or cancellation of sales shall be borne by the artist member.
The service agreement terminates when the company receives the artist member's notice of termination.
An artist member who has terminated the agreement according to this article can reapply for artist membership according to the membership application procedure and related provisions defined in these terms.
Despite the notice of termination of this agreement, the artist member is obliged to cooperate in providing, exchanging, or refunding content for orders not downloaded until the termination date or in cases where exchange or refund requests have been received. This obligation ends once settlement has been completed or actions regarding the purchaser have been concluded.

Article 6 (Termination of the Service Agreement and Loss of Artist Member Status)

The company may terminate this agreement without prior notice to the artist member under the following circumstances:
If false or exaggerated content information is posted.
If content that violates applicable laws or is unfit for sale is registered or sold.
If the artist member discloses confidential information or uses customer information in violation of these terms.
If the artist member violates the obligations of these terms, leading to serious claims from customers against the company.
If the artist member violates the obligations of these terms and fails to make improvements requested by the company without valid reason.
If the artist member accumulates three violations of the obligations under these terms.
If the artist member engages in direct transactions with buyers, such as exchanging direct payments with the purchaser.
If the artist member has not logged in for more than one year, resulting in the account being treated as dormant.
If the artist member exploits the company's system or services for illegal activities such as sending spam, distributing malware, or other prohibited actions by law.
Either party may terminate this agreement without prior notice under the following circumstances:
If one party violates the obligations of these terms and fails to rectify the situation within 7 days after being requested to do so by the other party, without any special reason or explanation.
If one party is subjected to cancellation or suspension of business or license by a supervisory authority.
If one party applies for or is subjected to bankruptcy, composition, or corporate reorganization proceedings.
If one party's issued bills or checks are dishonored, or if their banking transactions are suspended or prohibited.
If one party significantly damages the other party's reputation.
If any other significant reason occurs that makes it impossible to fulfill the contract or achieve its purpose during the contract period.
In the event of termination according to these terms, settlement of sales proceeds shall be conducted according to the procedures established by these terms, based on the date of termination.
Even if the service agreement is terminated according to these terms, if there are any undelivered orders or products for which exchange or refund requests have been received, the seller must cooperate in exchanging or refunding the content. This obligation ends once the settlement of sales proceeds is completed or all actions regarding the buyer are confirmed as completed.
Any damages arising in relation to the termination of the service agreement shall be the responsibility of the respective artist member.

Article 7 (Notices to Members)

When the company issues a notice to a member, it may do so to the email address provided at the time of registration.
When the company issues a notice to an unspecified number of members, it may post the notice on the 'Site's bulletin board or through a linked screen for at least one week.
When the Company notifies an Artist Member, it may substitute individual notification through the Artist's Exclusive Screen (hereinafter referred to as the 'Artist Dashboard').

Article 8 (Notification Obligations of Artist Members)

Artist Members must immediately update their information through the Artist Dashboard in case of any of the following reasons and must submit relevant documents such as a business registration certificate in writing to the Company:
Changes in address, business name, representative, or other details specified on the business registration certificate.
Changes in bank account details.
Significant changes in capital structure.
Changes from a sole proprietorship to a corporation or vice versa.
Other changes in contact phone numbers, mobile phone numbers, or email addresses.
All problems arising from negligence or omission of the duties specified in this article are the responsibility of the Artist Member.

Article 9 (Obligations of Artist Members)

Artist Members must follow the procedures specified in these Terms and Conditions and any individual terms announced in advance through the Company's service screens for registering content, managing the sales process, fulfilling transactions with buyers, and handling post-purchase processes such as withdrawal of offers.
Artist Members are required to sincerely respond to content-related inquiries received through exclusive boards on content pages within EDEN-WORLD and must compose and post appropriate responses.
Artist Members must comply with buyers' requests for purchase cancellations and carry out the necessary procedures at their own responsibility and cost.
Artist Members must not register content that induces direct transactions with buyers, restricts the legitimate rights of buyers, or contains illegal text or images. Violation of this will allow the Company to cancel the registration, delete the content, and take other necessary measures against the involved Artist Members and content.
Artist Members must not use the Company's name, logo, or their credit rating marks without the Company's consent or display them in places other than those designated, and must compensate for all damages that are causally related to such acts that harm the Company, its members, or other Artist Members.
Artist Members must keep records as required by relevant laws in relation to their commercial activities in EDEN-WORLD.
Artist Members must fulfill and maintain all necessary qualifications, such as specific licenses or permits, flawlessly if required to sell their content.

Article 10 (Registration and Management of Content)

Artist Members must directly register information related to the content they wish to sell, such as the name, price, characteristics, and other sales-related information through the Artist Dashboard, and must constantly manage this information to ensure its accuracy.
Artist Members must guarantee the truthfulness of information that affects the value of the content, such as the name, specifications, and capacity of the content. The Artist Member is responsible for all consequences of false facts or the posting and abetting of false advertisements.

Article 11 (Content's Sale Price and Fees)

The sale price of content is determined by the artist member. However, in cases where the price is discounted through coupons or events, the sale price is based on the discounted amount.
The company decides the overall costs related to the sale of content (hereafter referred to as 'service fees'), and when an artist member registers content on the dedicated screen, this is clearly indicated.
The service fees imposed by the company are divided into additional service fees, sales fees, and other fees. The specific details of each service and service fees are posted separately on the service screen.
Additional service fees are not refunded regardless of whether the sale is successful. However, content registration fees are refunded in cases of sale cancellation due to the company's termination of the service agreement, or if the content registration or sale is cancelled due to defects in the company's services. For advertisements or events, separate individual terms may apply.
Sales fees are charged to the artist member proportionally to the quantity sold, based on the criteria set for each product category. Sales fees are deducted at the time of settlement. However, sales fees are not imposed in cases of refunds or sales cancellations.
The company can create or change service fees as necessary, and such changes are notified through the dedicated screen.
The company can issue and apply discount coupons in consultation with the artist member, and in cases where the buyer uses them (excluding cases where the artist member discounts the sales amount without consulting with the company), sales fees are imposed based on the amount discounted by the coupon.

Article 12 (Intellectual Property Rights - Copyright of Content)

The copyright of content provided through the company's service belongs to its lawful creator, artist member, or related rights holder.

Article 13 (Content Upload Restrictions)

The company prohibits the upload of content containing the following:
â‘  Content that infringes on the copyright, other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, etc., of third parties
The company is not responsible for any legal disputes arising from the unauthorized sale or trade of third-party content by a member, and the member who sold such content assumes all responsibility. The company can take measures to permanently prohibit the member from participating in the service based on a zero-tolerance policy.
â‘¡ Pornographic, defamatory, or otherwise illegal or immoral content
â‘¢ Content depicting illegal or violent acts
â‘£ Content involving animal abuse or violence towards animals
⑤ Fraudulent advertising or content that leads to unfair competition
â‘¥ Content that includes trademarks, design marks, business names, logos, etc.
The company prohibits the upload of content that infringes on portrait rights, property rights, etc.
In cases where issues arise with content due to the above problems, all responsibility lies with the artist member who uploaded the content, and the company bears no responsibility.
If a problem occurs because false information was provided or the artist terms and guidelines (including tutorials) were not fully understood before uploading the content, all related responsibility lies with the artist member who uploaded the content, and the company bears no responsibility.

Article 14 (Property and Portrait Rights Regulations)

The company respects rights such as property and portrait rights.
Artist members must hold rights such as property and portrait rights for all content.
By agreeing to the membership terms, artist members acknowledge holding rights such as property and portrait rights for their content.
Artist members shall do their utmost to avoid infringing on rights such as property and portrait rights.
The company may require separate consent from artist members for content that requires rights such as property and portrait rights, including content featuring individuals. Such requests are made at the time of content upload or through a separate agreement.
The company may delete content at any time if the ownership of rights such as property and portrait rights is unclear. All responsibility for this lies with the artist member, and the company bears no liability.

Article 15 (Interpretation of Terms)

Provisions not specified in the artist member terms shall comply with the terms of use.
In case of inconsistency or conflict in the interpretation of provisions between the terms of use and the artist member terms, the terms of use shall prevail.

Article 16 (Confidentiality)

Parties to this agreement must not disclose acquired personal information, technical information, production, and sales plans, or other confidential information to third parties, except as provided by relevant laws, nor use that information for purposes other than those outlined in this agreement.
Artist members must not use information about customers obtained through sales to contact customers directly or induce direct transactions without going through the company.
Artist members must maintain the security of their ID and password and must not allow their use by third parties.
The obligation of confidentiality under this article shall continue for 3 years after the termination of the contractual relationship under this agreement.

Article 17 (Exemption Clause)

The services provided by the company to artist members and buyers are merely to offer an online transaction place (Marketplace) through EDEN-WORLD and to provide other related information. The company does not involve itself in transactions between artist members and buyers conducted through EDEN-WORLD and bears no responsibility.
The company is not responsible for service disruptions caused by the fault of the user.
The company does not bear liability for damages incurred by buyers due to defects in the content, errors, or omissions in content information, including product liability.
The company is not liable for damages incurred by users relying on the accuracy of information, materials, or facts posted by other users.
Affiliate sites linked provided by the company operate independently, and the company bears no responsibility for transactions between users and affiliate sites.

Article 18 (Dispute Resolution)

The company endeavors to process complaints and opinions from users without delay. However, if swift processing is difficult, the company will immediately inform the user of the reasons and the processing schedule.
Lawsuits related to disputes between the company and users shall be governed by the court having jurisdiction over the location of the company as the court of first instance, and the laws of the Republic of Korea shall be the governing law.
Announcement Date: February 13, 2024
Effective Date: February 14, 2024